

How to end frozen programs in Apple OS

To end non responsive programs on Apple laptop:

If an app has frozen and quitting it won’t work, Ctrl+click its icon in the Dock, then hover the pointer over the Quit button. Hold Option (labelled as Alt on some Mac keyboards) and Quit becomes Force Quit; click this.

Alternatively, try pressing Opt+Cmd+Esc to open the Force Quit window. Select the app you want to close, then click Force Quit (or Relaunch if Finder has frozen), then click Force Quit on the confirmation dialog box.

If your Mac is entirely locked up and the above steps won’t work, press Ctrl+Opt+Cmd and the power button at the same time; this will reboot your Mac.

From Digitaltrends


Google form triggers: submit form

Have Google form, need to trigger code on Form submit:

Capture the new data as it comes in with onFormSubmit
function onFormSubmit(e) {



Epson t88v receipt printer network setup

Had to setup an Epson T88v printer:

Getting initial printer and Ethernet adapter settings (Type IV)
Get the initial settings of the Ethernet adapter. Run the printer self test (hold down the feed button while turning on the printer). The printer will print a list of initial settings including interface type and buffer capacity. verify that the interface is "Ethernet"
A similar test can then be done on the UB-E03, UB-E04 adapter by inserting a paperclip through the small hole in the adapter for 3 seconds.
A strip will print showing the MAC address, Gateway (GW), IP address and IP assignment method (manual/auto).
Changing the IP Address of the Adapter
Now comes the tricky part. To be able to change the IP address on the adapter you need to be able to connect with it. To do this you most likely need to change the IP address of your computer to a value that makes the adapter accessible. You can then connect to the adapter, make the change to the adapter, then return the computer back to it's original settings.
Note: the mPOS version of the UB-E03, UB-E04 Ethernet cards are set to DHCP and will try to find an available IP address on its own the first time it appears on your network. If successful, it will print out the IP address it is using. If the address is acceptable to you then skip to section about Configuring the Computer for work with the Ethernet card. LOGIN INFORMATION  - Epson UB-E04 Cards also require you to enter a user name and password.
The default values are epson / epson
Resetting the Adapter
You can reset the UB-E03, UB-E04 Ethernet Interface card to factory defaults by holding down the push button on the card (see arrow above) while turning on the printer power and continuing to hold it down for 5 seconds. This causes all internal settings to return to their factory defaults. For the older UB-E02 cards, hold the push button down after the printer is on for 30 seconds.
Setting the IP Address on your Computer
In Windows you can access the wired Ethernet adapter in the "Network Connections" applet in the Windows Control Panels (Internet Protocol/TCP/IP properties, allow you to enter an IP address.) Make a note of the existing settings, you'll be returning to those settings when your done. Set the IP address to an address in the same domain as the adapter. For example of the adapter shows an IP address of you could change the computer to  Do not set the computer to the same address as the Ethernet adapter on the printer. You might have to reset the computer's adapter for the new settings to take place.
Logging onto the Adapter using TMNet WebConfig (Type II or Type IV)
TMNet web configuration allows you to access the adapter via your network using a web browser. Generally speaking the adapter must be in the same sub domain as the computer to be able to log on (see previous section for how to configure the PC to the same subdomain)
Using a web browser such as Internet Explorer you should now be able to connect to the adapter by entering the IP address of the adapter directly into the address bar of the browser. The TMNet General Information page show open.
To change the IP address, select 'TCP/IP' under 'Configuration.' You can enter a new IP address and gateway address. Press the 'Submit' button when done
The 'Submit' button with write settings to the printer. The Ethernet adapter is reset when you press the 'Reset' button.



HP universal printer driver: switch to color

Had patron with color printer & using HP universal printer driver, but only printed grayscale, no color, to fix:

  • Right click the start icon and select Run.
  • Type control and press OK.
  • Open Devices and Printers.
  • Right click the HP Universal Printing iocn and select Printer Properties.
  • Open the Device Settings tab.
  • Ensure the Device Type is set as Color rather than Auto Detect, confirm any changes by pressing OK.

HP solution forms