

Fuzzy images in Powerpoint

In powerpoint slides, to make images sharper, use best resolution setting in slide show, and make sure aspect ration is locked:

From MS knowlegebase:

To avoid distortion of imported bitmap graphics, follow these steps:
  1. In Slide view, click the video or bitmap that you want to resize.
  2. On the Format menu, click Picture, and then click the Size tab.
  3. Click Reset, and then click OK.
  4. On the Format menu, click Picture, and then click the Size tab.
  5. Click to select the Lock aspect ratio check box.
  6. Click to select the Best scale for slide show check box.
  7. In the Resolution list, click the resolution that most closely matches the resolution of the display on which the presentation will be shown, and then click OK.


Printing from Apple OS: font size too small

Had a patron trying to print out a document in 12 point font, but printout was way too small, it turns out SCALE was less than 100% so it was shrinking everything.

Click on PAGE SETUP button, bottom left.

Make sure SCALE is 100%