

Free Microsoft Office 365 via university email address

Microsoft Office is free to college students, staff, faculty via this link:

You need to sign up with your university email address.

Office 365 is an cloud based system, but it does allow you to download a stand alone version to your Windows or Apple computer (a 1GB file, be prepared to give it a chunk of time).

Search on: Microsoft Office free college students


Using lpadmin command on Yosemite OS

I had Applescript with LPADMIN command that worked with Apple OS, but stopped working on Yosemite (10.10).  Did not get any error, the printer always was in paused state.

 From macenterprise on Google Groups:

I'm seeing some strange cases at the university where certain users are unable to print authenticated via smb when on Yosemite.

I had just about weaned our users off of unauthenticated lpd when printing to our Windows print server in favor of smb with their credentials stored pr. printer in the keychain.

There doesn't seem to be a pattern to who it affects but there are indications that it's sandbox related (cryptic log messages and the like)

Putting the "Sandboxing relaxed" directive in /etc/cups/cups-files.conf seems to fix it for some.

Has anyone else seen problems when printing to smb printers on Yosemite?


Simon Andersen
Aarhus University, Denmark


Tony Skalski

Oct 29
Other recipients:
We added "-o auth-info-required=negotiate" to our lpadmin command in the
install script we package up for students to use. This seems to have fixed
the Yosemite printing issues we've seen.

Tony Skalski
Systems Administrator
St. Olaf College
Information Technology
1510 St. Olaf Avenue


Poster in Stackoverflow suggested a fix was to add  -E  to enable at the very end, this did NOT work for me.

do shell script "/usr/sbin/lpadmin  -L '3rd-floor-library'   -o printer-is-shared=false -o Duplex=DuplexTumble -o Option1=True -p  '3rd-floor-library' -v smb:// -P   " & quoted form of (POSIX path of myFile) as text & "  -E"

Previously I did not need the -E switch.   Adding printer via Printers and Scanners UI works fine under Yosemite, just adding it via lpadmin broke under Yosemite.

From Apple:
-E            Enables the destination and accepts jobs;

From Stackoverflow