

Windows 8 shutdown shortcut

To create shortcut to shutdown windows 8, right click on desktop, select NEW, then "shortcut", type in the following text

shutdown /s /t 0

The 0 at end is seconds of delay, if you want 15  seconds delay,  then you have "shutdown /s /t 15"
(note:  it requires /s, the /t is optional)

Hibernate shortcut syntax (no delay parameter):

Shutdown /h


Sleep Computer:    rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

Logoff:    Shutdown -L

reboot:       shutdown /r


Automatic slide show in Powerpoint 2010, move to next slide

Have a patron that wants a powerpoint slide show that moves on its own, spending 5 seconds on each slide:

Automatically Move to the Next Slide

The key here is the Transitions feature where you can set timings. A transition is animation to introduce the next slide although a specific transition isn't needed to set timings which automatically advance to the next slide. To set up timings:
  1. Select one or more slides in a presentations. To highlight multiple slides, switch to the Slide Sorter View and hold down the [Ctrl] key as you click on each slide or press [Ctrl] + A to Select All.
  2. In PowerPoint 2010, choose the Transitions tab in the Ribbon.  In PowerPoint 2007, pick the Animations tab.
  3. For PowerPoint 2010 & 2007, look for the Advance Slide options at the right side of the Ribbon, set After to the amount of time (seconds), uncheck "On Mouse Click".  The timings can vary from one slide to another.
Pick a transition if you wish and save your presentation.

To loop the show:

Run a PowerPoint Presentation Continuously

The Set Up Slide Show options in PowerPoint help you customize your options for running a slide show presentation. When you have set timings in a presentation, you can also control a presentation so it loops (runs) continuously until you press the [Esc] key. This is a great feature for trade shows, kiosks, company reception areas, and other presentations where you don't need to be actively involved in the display of each slide. To successfully use a loop, each slide should have automatic timings as covered above. To change slide show options for an open presentation:
  1. In PowerPoint 2010 & 2007, click the Slide Show tab and pick the Set Up Slide Show icon. For PowerPoint 2003, pick Slide Show > Set Up Show.
  2. Under Show options, click the choice for Loop continuously until 'Esc'. Also verify the Advance Slides option is set to Use timings, if present.

From softwarepro


Youtube playlist in VLC

Want to have Youtube playlist with out commercials, use VLC and a plugin.

For playlists, you'll need the VLC  and the add-on YouTube Video and Playlist Importer installed. Once it's installed, simply copy the playlist URL from your browser, then hit CTRL+N in VLC, select the Network box, and paste the playlist URL. The playlist automatically gets imported into VLC where you can use any keyboard shortcuts you have set up to watch playlists ad-free.  (from Life hacker)

 To install the YouTube Video and Playlist Importer  download it, and copy the file to this directory:

* Windows (all users): %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions\
* Windows (current user): %APPDATA%\VLC\lua\extensions\
* Linux (all users): /usr/share/vlc/lua/extensions/
* Linux (current user): ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions/
* Mac OS X (all users): /Applications/
(create directories if they don't exist)
Restart  VLC.


How to connect Apple laptop to Windows drive (SMB)

To map a windows drive on a Mac laptop:  (from Apple)


A bit easier to remember:

On the Mac, from Finder's GO menu, choose "Connect to Server
Enter the server address, preceded by smb://, as shown:

You'll get prompted to enter your network credentials - need to add the Windows DOMAIN\user_name for the Name Field:

What is SMB?
SMB, which stands for Server Message Block, is a protocol for sharing files, printers, serial ports, and communications abstractions such as named pipes and mail slots between computers.

Early document on it is a Microsoft/Intel document called Microsoft Networks/OpenNET-FILE SHARING PROTOCOL from 1987. The protocol was subsequently developed further by Microsoft and others. Many of the documents that define the SMB protocol(s) are available at in the SMB documentation area.