

IP printing script - Windows

Want to run BAT file to install IP printer on laptop:

@ECHO off

SET varIP=
SET varDriver=HP Color LaserJet CP2020 Series PCL 6
SET varDriverFolder=\\Server\\Software\\Hardware\\Drivers\\Printers\\HP CP2025DN\\
SET varDriverFile=\\Server\\Software\\Hardware\\Drivers\\Printers\\HP CP2025DN\\hppcp610.inf
SET varName=Reception
SET varLocation=Reception

REM "Deleting TCP/IP port"
REM CSCRIPT /nologo %windir%\system32\prnport.vbs -d -r IP_%varIP%

REM "Creating TCP/IP port"
CSCRIPT /nologo %windir%\system32\prnport.vbs -a -r IP_%varIP% -o raw -n 9100 -h %varIP%

REM "Installation message"
@ECHO The %varLocation% printer is currently being installed.
@ECHO Please do not close this window.
@ECHO Once the installation is complete this Setup window will exit.

REM "Driver installation"
CSCRIPT /nologo %windir%\system32\prndrvr.vbs -a -m "%varDriver%" -h "%varDriverFolder%" -i "%varDriverFile%"  

REM "Printer deletion"
@ECHO Completing installation.
CSCRIPT /nologo %windir%\system32\prnmngr.vbs -d -p "%varName%" 

REM "Printer installation"
@ECHO Completing installation.
CSCRIPT /nologo %windir%\system32\prnmngr.vbs -a -p "%varName%" -m "%varDriver%" -r "IP_%varIP%"

REM "Location configuration"
@ECHO Completing installation.
CSCRIPT /nologo %windir%\system32\prncnfg.vbs -t -p "%varName%" -l "%varLocation%"


Word: goto page number

Word allows you to move the insertion point to any page in your document by using the Go To command. To take advantage of this feature, follow these steps:
  1. Choose the Go To option from the Edit menu, or simply press F5. Word displays the Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box. (See Figure 1.)
  2. Figure 1. The Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.
  3. On the left side of the dialog box, make sure that you indicate you want to go to a page (this should be the default choice).
  4. Enter the page number to which you want to move.
  5. Click on Go To, or press Enter.