

Remote Desktop Freezing problem

Trying to use RDP from Windows 7 and it kept on locking up or freezing when opening a folder.

To fix this delay or hang or freeze follow these steps
1.    Open Remote Desktop
2.    Click [Options]
3.    Click [Local Resources] tab
4.    Click [Settings] for 'Configure remote audio settings'
5.    Select [Do not play] for 'Remote audio playback'
6.    Select [Do not record] for 'Remote audio recording'
7.    Click [OK]
8.    Connect to your computer

From Social Technet Microsoft


PDF form filler software

Looking for alternative to Adobe Acrobat Professional for editing PDF files:

Windows:   (have to give email)

Apple, $8 app


Apple error: can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer

Trying to install Examsoft on Apple OS, get the following error:

"Install SofTest.mpkg can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer"

 Receiving this message means that your security preferences don't allow installation from unidentified developers.

To resolve this issue please follow the steps below:

1. Click the "Apple" in the upper left corner and select "System Preferences".

2. Click on "Security & Privacy".

3. Click the Lock in the lower left corner and enter your Mac user account password

4. Under "Allow applications downloaded from:" select "Anywhere".

5. Click "Allow From Anywhere".

You should now be able to install SofTest normally.

From Examsoft


Uninstalling SofTest from Apple OS

SofTest (from Examsoft) needs to be reinstalled ever year for students, first have to uninstall, here are directions for Apple OS:

1. Click on 'Macintosh HD' on the desktop or by clicking on 'Go' in the menu bar and select 'Computer' then 'Macintosh HD'

2. Click on 'Library'

3. Click on 'Application Support'

4. Look for and right click on the SofTest folder and select 'Move to Trash'


5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstall process. 



Free Microsoft Office 365 via university email address

Microsoft Office is free to college students, staff, faculty via this link:

You need to sign up with your university email address.

Office 365 is an cloud based system, but it does allow you to download a stand alone version to your Windows or Apple computer (a 1GB file, be prepared to give it a chunk of time).

Search on: Microsoft Office free college students


Using lpadmin command on Yosemite OS

I had Applescript with LPADMIN command that worked with Apple OS, but stopped working on Yosemite (10.10).  Did not get any error, the printer always was in paused state.

 From macenterprise on Google Groups:

I'm seeing some strange cases at the university where certain users are unable to print authenticated via smb when on Yosemite.

I had just about weaned our users off of unauthenticated lpd when printing to our Windows print server in favor of smb with their credentials stored pr. printer in the keychain.

There doesn't seem to be a pattern to who it affects but there are indications that it's sandbox related (cryptic log messages and the like)

Putting the "Sandboxing relaxed" directive in /etc/cups/cups-files.conf seems to fix it for some.

Has anyone else seen problems when printing to smb printers on Yosemite?


Simon Andersen
Aarhus University, Denmark


Tony Skalski

Oct 29
Other recipients:
We added "-o auth-info-required=negotiate" to our lpadmin command in the
install script we package up for students to use. This seems to have fixed
the Yosemite printing issues we've seen.

Tony Skalski
Systems Administrator
St. Olaf College
Information Technology
1510 St. Olaf Avenue


Poster in Stackoverflow suggested a fix was to add  -E  to enable at the very end, this did NOT work for me.

do shell script "/usr/sbin/lpadmin  -L '3rd-floor-library'   -o printer-is-shared=false -o Duplex=DuplexTumble -o Option1=True -p  '3rd-floor-library' -v smb:// -P   " & quoted form of (POSIX path of myFile) as text & "  -E"

Previously I did not need the -E switch.   Adding printer via Printers and Scanners UI works fine under Yosemite, just adding it via lpadmin broke under Yosemite.

From Apple:
-E            Enables the destination and accepts jobs;

From Stackoverflow


SierraDNA: SQL to get patrons who owe fines greater than $25

From Sierra Listserv, how to create query to get list of patrons who owe fines:

Hi Barbara:

David Jones is correct. You'll need to remove the check digit from your patron name to find a match in the database because the record number is stored internally without the check digit.

I have adapted an existing query of mine to get part way to what you are looking for. The query limits to patrons who owe $25 or more and who do not have manual block 'c'. I haven't limited to the age of the fines or fees. You'll have to fine tune it to get exactly what you're after. I included the check digit on the patron number thanks to some code provided a few months back by Jim Nicholls at University of Sydney.

The end result is 23 columns of data pertaining to the patron and the patron's outstanding fines and fees. Remove what you don't require. The data can be easily exported to Excel and then filtered to a specific patron.
-- ===================================================================================
-- Fines details for patrons Owing $25.00 or more
--  and without manual block 'c'
-- Brent Searle. Langara College. 2014-10-30
-- Check digit calculation via Jim Nicholls, University of Sydney
-- ===================================================================================
  COALESCE( -- Check digit calculation
          ( p.record_num % 10 ) * 2 +
          ( p.record_num / 10 % 10 ) * 3 +
          ( p.record_num / 100 % 10 ) * 4 +
          ( p.record_num / 1000 % 10 ) * 5 +
          ( p.record_num / 10000 % 10 ) * 6 +
          ( p.record_num / 100000 % 10 ) * 7 +
          ( p.record_num / 1000000 ) * 8
        ) % 11,
      AS CHAR(1)
  )                                                  AS "Record Number",
    WHEN pnam.first_name IS NOT NULL THEN ', '||pnam.first_name
    when pnam.middle_name IS NOT NULL THEN ' '||pnam.middle_name
  END                                                AS "Patron Name",
  p.barcode                                          AS "Patron Barcode",
  p.home_library_code                                AS "Home Library",
  p.ptype_code                                       AS "Ptype code",                                         AS "Patron Type",
  f.invoice_num                                      AS "Invoice",
    WHEN f.charge_code = '1' THEN 'MANUAL'
    WHEN f.charge_code = '2' THEN 'Overdue'
    WHEN f.charge_code = '3' THEN 'Replacement'
    WHEN f.charge_code = '4' THEN 'OverdueX'
    WHEN f.charge_code = '5' THEN 'Lost'
    WHEN f.charge_code = '6' THEN 'Overdue Renewal'
    WHEN f.charge_code = '7' THEN 'Rental'
    WHEN f.charge_code = '8' THEN 'RentalX'
    WHEN f.charge_code = '9' THEN 'Debit'
    WHEN f.charge_code = 'a' THEN 'Notice'
    WHEN f.charge_code = 'b' THEN 'Credit Card'
    WHEN f.charge_code = 'p' THEN 'Program Reg'
    ELSE 'unexpected code '||f.charge_code
  END                                                AS "Type",
  f.description                                      AS "Reason",
  f.title                                            AS "Title",
  i.barcode                                          AS "Item Barcode",
  f.charge_location_code                             AS "Item Location",
  to_char(f.assessed_gmt,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI AM')      AS "Date Assessed",
  to_char(f.checkout_gmt,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI AM')      AS "Date Checked Out",
  to_char(f.due_gmt,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MIAM')            AS "Date Due",
  to_char(f.returned_gmt,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI AM')      AS "Date Returned",
  to_char(f.item_charge_amt,'$99G990D99')            AS "Item Charge",
  to_char(f.processing_fee_amt,'$99G990D99')         AS "Processing Fee",
  to_char(f.billing_fee_amt,'$99G990D99')            AS "Billing Fee",
  f.billing_fee_amt,'$99G990D99')                    AS "Total",
  to_char(f.paid_amt,'$99G990D99')                   AS "Amount Paid",
  f.paid_amt,'$99G990D99')                           AS "Amount Due"
  sierra_view.patron_view                            AS p
JOIN -- join to patron full name
  sierra_view.patron_record_fullname                 AS pnam
  pnam.patron_record_id =
JOIN -- join to ptype description
  sierra_view.ptype_property_myuser                  AS ptnam
  ptnam.value = p.ptype_code
JOIN -- join to fine data
  sierra_view.fine                                   AS f
  f.patron_record_id =
JOIN -- join for item barcode
  sierra_view.item_view                              AS i
  ON = f.item_record_metadata_id
  p.owed_amt >= 25     -- patron owes $25.00 or more
  p.mblock_code != 'c' -- patron doesn't have manual block 'c'

Brent Searle
Library Systems Manager
Langara College
Vancouver BC

On 2014-10-30 2:23 PM, Leach, Barbara wrote:
I’m at the very beginning of trying to create a sql query to get a list of patrons who owe $25 or more in fines, they don’t have manual block ‘c’, their fine was assessed more than a month ago, and they don’t have a fee assessed more recently than a month ago.  I can use Create Lists to get the list, but the fields I want to export aren’t available for export.  So, I’m trying to re-create this with sql, so I can get the fields I want exported.

However, I can’t even get this simple query to return any data.  What am I doing wrong with this simple query?

  patron_view.record_num AS "Record Number",
  patron_view.barcode AS "Barcode",
  patron_view.owed_amt AS "Amount Owed",
  patron_view.home_library_code AS "Home Library"
  patron_view.record_num = '10068260';

When I run this, the output pane contains 0 rows.  I know that’s a valid patron record number, because it is a record that was included in my Create Lists results.

I need specific data about the fines, such as the date they were assessed, and that’s not available in Create Lists export fields.

If anyone already has a query that is similar to what I’m trying to create, would you mind sharing?

Thank you.
Barbara Leach
Automated Services Coordinator


Windows Updates repeat

Have a PC that repeatedly install same updates over and over.  To fix:

As an administrator, stop the Windows Update service (Start > Run > services.msc, stop Windows Update). Rename the Windows\SoftwareDistribution directory to something like SoftwareDistribution.bak and restart.
Occasionally I've seen updates become "stuck" and cached, prompting the behavior you're seeing. This method normally works for me in most cases.


Replacing damaged USB cord in Kwikboost charging station

Our library has a Kiwkboost charger, and someone yanked one of the wires too hard and tore off one of the plugs.

The device is easy to open up and replace any individual cords, a nice youtube tutorial via Westlaw:

2016-Oct:   This has been removed, will try locating alternative.


Setup local drives on Remote Desktop PC

If you want to access your local hard drive when you are connecting with Remote Desktop Connection:

Step 1

You will first need to open Remote Desktop then click options.

Step 2

Click on Local Resources then click More

Step 3

Expand the Drives section and check the box of the drives you would like mapped to the server then click OK.

Step 4

You may now connect to the server as you normally would.
Once logged into the server open My Computer (Windows Server 2003) or Computer (Windows Server 2008) you should now see the mapped drive.



SierraDNA: SQL to locate volume and item records

Using Innovative ILS and PostgrSQL ODBC data connection, want to locate items not attached to Volume records:  (from Sierra Listserv, Sept 25 2014)

I didn't realize that we could use this information too, not until I read your question.  But our volume statements for the volume records are just too widely ranging (TV shows, travel books, sets of movies) so I couldn't see how create lists could find this for us.  (The item-volume link is not an available search field for items.  It probably should be.)

So since we're all Sierra sites on this list, how about SQL?  I found 257 items on bib records with volume records, which aren't attached to a volume, in 31 sec. from among 1.2 million item record links.  The brir. and ir.record_ids  aren't useful to see, except for performing the search, as I'm really after just the Item Record Numbers.

Dan McMahon
MARINet, Novato CA
SELECT DISTINCT brir.item_record_id,
       iv.record_num as "Item Record Number"
       FROM sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link brir
      JOIN sierra_view.item_record ir on brir.item_record_id = ir.record_id
       JOIN sierra_view.item_view iv on ir.record_id =
       JOIN  sierra_view.bib_record_volume_record_link brvr on brir.bib_record_id = brvr.bib_record_id
       WHERE brvr.bib_record_id IS NOT NULL AND
       brir.item_record_id NOT IN

     (SELECT brir.item_record_id
       FROM  sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link brir
       JOIN  sierra_view.bib_record_volume_record_link brvr on brir.bib_record_id = brvr.bib_record_id
       JOIN  sierra_view.volume_record_item_record_link vrir on brvr.volume_record_id = vrir.volume_record_id 
       WHERE vrir.item_record_id = brir.item_record_id

From: Scott, Sharon []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 11:02 AM
To: Sierra Users List
Subject: [sierra] Create Lists - Find items not attached to volumes

Does anyone know how to find items that are not attached to volumes for bib records that have volumes?  We have started separating multi-disc DVDs so that each disc circulates separately.  These are mostly TV series, e.g., NCIS. The complete first season.  We’ve put them into volumes to make it easy for patrons to place holds on only the ones they want.  Some of our libraries have not yet completed splitting their items and I need to find a list of those where the bib already has volumes set up, but a given item is not yet linked to the volume record.



My own folks wanted a revision to add the volume field info, and I stuck the bib number and title in there as well since that seems handy.

Dan McMahon

SELECT DISTINCT vv.record_num,
    FROM sierra_view.volume_record vr
    JOIN sierra_view.volume_view vv on vr.record_id =
    JOIN  sierra_view.varfield_view vfv ON vr.record_id = vfv.record_id
    JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_volume_record_link brvr ON vr.record_id = brvr.volume_record_id
    JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br ON brvr.bib_record_id =
    JOIN sierra_view.bib_view bv ON = br.record_id
   WHERE vfv.record_type_code   = 'j'
      AND vfv.varfield_type_code = 'v'
      AND vr.record_id NOT IN

    (SELECT vr.record_id FROM
            sierra_view.volume_record vr
            JOIN sierra_view.volume_record_item_record_link vrir on vrir.volume_record_id = vr.record_id


password expiration date: windows domain

Want to get expiration date of a user password on a Windows domain, open command window (CMD in windows search box):

net user /domain [user_ID]

The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain

User name                   
Full Name                    Lastn, Firstname
Comment                      Staff
User's comment
Country code                 000 (System Default)
Account active               Yes
Account expires              9/1/15 12:00:00 AM

Password last set            3/31/14 8:30:49 AM
Password expires             9/27/14 8:30:49 AM
Password changeable          4/1/14 8:30:49 AM
Password required            Yes
User may change password     Yes

Workstations allowed         All
Logon script                 Login.bat
User profile
Home directory               \\lawsfsrva\users\testuser
Last logon                   9/25/14 8:07:45 AM


Applescript: lpadmin command to set duplexing

Wanted to use LPADMIN command to turn on duplexing when I installed printers, I am using Generic PCL printer driver, version 1.3

First use this command to get options:
lpoptions -p printer_name -l
This returned:
PageSize/Media Size: *Letter Legal Executive Tabloid A3 A4 A5 B5 EnvISOB5 Env10 EnvC5 EnvDL EnvMonarch
Resolution/Resolution: *300dpi 600dpi
InputSlot/Media Source: *Default Tray1 Tray2 Tray3 Tray4 Manual Envelope
Duplex/2-Sided Printing: *None DuplexNoTumble DuplexTumble
Option1/Duplexer: *False True
So need to add this to lpadmin commandline:
-o Duplex=DuplexTumble -o Option1=True 
Full statement is:
do shell script "/usr/sbin/lpadmin  -L 2nd-floor-library    
 -o printer-is-shared=false  -o Duplex=DuplexTumble -o Option1=True 
 -p  '2nd-floor-library' -v smb:// -P   
 " & quoted form of (POSIX path of myFile) as text & "  " 

This does not make double sided printing the default, rather it makes sure the option is not grayed out, and that 2 sided printing can be selected.


Credential Manager in French: Gestionnaire d’informations

Helping a french student with a Windows laptop, was trying to find the "Credential Manager" via a search, it turns out it is called:

Gestionnaire d’informations


From MS Website   


Appending text to every cell in Excel spreadsheet

I needed to add same text to the end of every cell in one column:

  • All your data is in column A (beginning at row 1).
  • In column B, row 1, enter =A1&"THIS_TEXT_APPENDED"
  • This will make cell B1 equal A1 with THIS_TEXT_APPENDED
  • Now select cell B1 and drag from the bottom right of cell down through all your rows (this copies the formula and uses the corresponding column A value.