

PDF plugin in Chrome

 Had a PC where Chrome plugin would not display PDfs:

  1. Open Adobe Reader and go to Edit.
  2. Select Preferences, then Internet.
  3. Locate Display PDF in browser option and enable it / disable it.
  4. Refresh the page that you’re trying to view in Chrome and check if the problem is resolved.


From Windowsreport


online tracking, web browser tracking

 Tool from the Electronic Frontier Foundation:

Cover Your Tracks is two things: a tool for users to understand how unique and identifiable their browser makes them online, and a research project to uncover the tools and techniques of online trackers and test the efficacy of privacy add-ons. Running tests on Cover Your Tracks gives you information about your own browser’s privacy protections, and also helps EFF use statistical methods to evaluate the capabilities of third-party trackers and the best forms of protection against them.