Click for slides - MAIUG 2018
Sierra Direct SQL Access - IUG 2017
Sample Queries txt file
Sierra Direct SQL Access & SQL Queries
October 2015 - MIUG Conference, Cairn University
Sample SQL Queries, txt file
SierraDNA & SQL Queries
Slides April 2015 - with audio (15 Meg)presentation at IUG Conference, Minneapolis MN
SierraDNA & SQL Queries
Slides Jan 2014presentation at ALA Midwinter, Philadelphia PA
Don’t Make Me Think: An Application to Mobile Web Sites
Slides April 2013presentation at Computers in Libraries Conference, with Emily Robinson, Washington DC
Smartphone Tags: The Newest Codes in the Library
Slides (PowerPoint) IUG conference in Chicago IL, April 2012
Survey Question: QR Codes Use (Results)
With Robert Linz, University of Colorado Law School
Survey Question: QR Codes Use (Results)
With Robert Linz, University of Colorado Law School