

smart phone batteries

Some tips on prolonging battery life, From  NYTimes

People looking to preserve their batteries should make sure their phones don’t become overheated, Mr. Campos advised, because high temperatures further excite the lithium-ion in batteries, leading to even quicker deterioration.
Apple’s website says temperatures above 95 degrees Fahrenheit (or 35 Celsius) can “permanently damage battery capacity.”
Both Mr. Zeine and Mr. Campos noted that given the constant demand for new cellphones, charging overnight might not be a point of great concern for many people.
“All this actually doesn’t make a huge difference for consumers,” Mr. Campos said, citing a 2015 Gallup survey showing that 44 percent of smartphone users planned to upgrade their devices as soon as their providers allowed it — usually after two years, about the length of time it takes for batteries to start showing signs of wear.



Google cloud print on Windows server

Want to set up classic printer on Windows cloud print service:

  1. Using Chrome, download and install Google Cloud Print Service for Windows.
  2. From your Start menu, open Google Cloud Print Service and run it.
  3. Enter your Windows administrator username and password.
  4. Click Register.
  5. In the Chrome window that opens, sign in to your Google Apps account.
  6. Click Add Printers and leave the browser open. The config utility will close it automatically. (You can close the popup if it's still open.) The "State:" field should switch to "Running".
  7. Verify that the expected printers are available in the management page.