

Setup local drives on Remote Desktop PC

If you want to access your local hard drive when you are connecting with Remote Desktop Connection:

Step 1

You will first need to open Remote Desktop then click options.

Step 2

Click on Local Resources then click More

Step 3

Expand the Drives section and check the box of the drives you would like mapped to the server then click OK.

Step 4

You may now connect to the server as you normally would.
Once logged into the server open My Computer (Windows Server 2003) or Computer (Windows Server 2008) you should now see the mapped drive.



SierraDNA: SQL to locate volume and item records

Using Innovative ILS and PostgrSQL ODBC data connection, want to locate items not attached to Volume records:  (from Sierra Listserv, Sept 25 2014)

I didn't realize that we could use this information too, not until I read your question.  But our volume statements for the volume records are just too widely ranging (TV shows, travel books, sets of movies) so I couldn't see how create lists could find this for us.  (The item-volume link is not an available search field for items.  It probably should be.)

So since we're all Sierra sites on this list, how about SQL?  I found 257 items on bib records with volume records, which aren't attached to a volume, in 31 sec. from among 1.2 million item record links.  The brir. and ir.record_ids  aren't useful to see, except for performing the search, as I'm really after just the Item Record Numbers.

Dan McMahon
MARINet, Novato CA
SELECT DISTINCT brir.item_record_id,
       iv.record_num as "Item Record Number"
       FROM sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link brir
      JOIN sierra_view.item_record ir on brir.item_record_id = ir.record_id
       JOIN sierra_view.item_view iv on ir.record_id =
       JOIN  sierra_view.bib_record_volume_record_link brvr on brir.bib_record_id = brvr.bib_record_id
       WHERE brvr.bib_record_id IS NOT NULL AND
       brir.item_record_id NOT IN

     (SELECT brir.item_record_id
       FROM  sierra_view.bib_record_item_record_link brir
       JOIN  sierra_view.bib_record_volume_record_link brvr on brir.bib_record_id = brvr.bib_record_id
       JOIN  sierra_view.volume_record_item_record_link vrir on brvr.volume_record_id = vrir.volume_record_id 
       WHERE vrir.item_record_id = brir.item_record_id

From: Scott, Sharon []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 11:02 AM
To: Sierra Users List
Subject: [sierra] Create Lists - Find items not attached to volumes

Does anyone know how to find items that are not attached to volumes for bib records that have volumes?  We have started separating multi-disc DVDs so that each disc circulates separately.  These are mostly TV series, e.g., NCIS. The complete first season.  We’ve put them into volumes to make it easy for patrons to place holds on only the ones they want.  Some of our libraries have not yet completed splitting their items and I need to find a list of those where the bib already has volumes set up, but a given item is not yet linked to the volume record.



My own folks wanted a revision to add the volume field info, and I stuck the bib number and title in there as well since that seems handy.

Dan McMahon

SELECT DISTINCT vv.record_num,
    FROM sierra_view.volume_record vr
    JOIN sierra_view.volume_view vv on vr.record_id =
    JOIN  sierra_view.varfield_view vfv ON vr.record_id = vfv.record_id
    JOIN sierra_view.bib_record_volume_record_link brvr ON vr.record_id = brvr.volume_record_id
    JOIN sierra_view.bib_record br ON brvr.bib_record_id =
    JOIN sierra_view.bib_view bv ON = br.record_id
   WHERE vfv.record_type_code   = 'j'
      AND vfv.varfield_type_code = 'v'
      AND vr.record_id NOT IN

    (SELECT vr.record_id FROM
            sierra_view.volume_record vr
            JOIN sierra_view.volume_record_item_record_link vrir on vrir.volume_record_id = vr.record_id


password expiration date: windows domain

Want to get expiration date of a user password on a Windows domain, open command window (CMD in windows search box):

net user /domain [user_ID]

The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain

User name                   
Full Name                    Lastn, Firstname
Comment                      Staff
User's comment
Country code                 000 (System Default)
Account active               Yes
Account expires              9/1/15 12:00:00 AM

Password last set            3/31/14 8:30:49 AM
Password expires             9/27/14 8:30:49 AM
Password changeable          4/1/14 8:30:49 AM
Password required            Yes
User may change password     Yes

Workstations allowed         All
Logon script                 Login.bat
User profile
Home directory               \\lawsfsrva\users\testuser
Last logon                   9/25/14 8:07:45 AM