I had script to highlight text (using a div tag), but want to be able to quickly remove it, when I do another search, and want to highlight new phrase.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$( init );
function init() {
// Remove the #myDiv element but leave its contents
<div id="myDiv">
<p id="myPara">A paragraph of text</p>
<p>Another paragraph of text</p>
Whole tag:
function quickSearch(searchTerm) {
if (searchTerm == "") {
$("#autoCompleteContainer").append("<div id='search_suggestions_box'>Begin typing to begin your Quick Search</div>")
return false;
var quickSearchArray = new Array();
var quickSearchCount = 0;
if (window.populatingURLS) {
$("#search_suggestions_box").html("<span class='section_title'>Loading Data...</span>");
return false;
$("#search_suggestions_box").html("<span class='section_title'>Full-Text Search</span><p id='search_text'> Continue searching for <span style='color:#B75F11'>\""+searchTerm+"\"</span> by clicking on the search icon</p><div id='suggestions_section' class='section'><span class='section_title' id='suggestions'>Documents with <span style='color:#B75F11'>\""+searchTerm+"\"</span> in the title<hr><div id='suggestions_list'><ul id='suggestions_list_ul'></ul></div></div>");
myUrls = getLocalData("localStorageUrls")
if (myUrls != undefined && (window.urls == undefined || window.urls == "" || window.urls.length <= 0)) {
window.urls = JSON.parse(myUrls);
//Read in all of the url data
for (x in window.urls) {
urlData = window.urls[x];
//IE refuses to let the below code continue. :(( Try catch is my solution for now
try {
t = urlData.Title;
tLower = t.toLowerCase();
//If we fail here then just let the code fall through to return no change
catch (e) {
s = urlData.Source;
//aLower = a.toLowerCase();
searchTermLower = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
searchPatt = new RegExp("("+searchTerm+")", "gi");
if (tLower.match(searchTermLower) || s.toLowerCase().match(searchTermLower)) {
t = t.replace(searchPatt, "<span class='mc-highlightSearch1'>$1</span>")
//a = a.replace(searchPatt, "<span class='highlight' style='background:#ffc000'>$1</span>")
s = s.replace(/\.\.\/Content\//g, "")+"?Highlight="+searchTerm.replace(/[^A-z0-9\.\s]/g, " ");
if (window.modulesActive["highlight"]) {
$("#suggestions_list_ul").append("<li ><A href='#"+s+"' onclick=\"$('#autoCompleteContainer').slideUp();highlightButtons('on')\">"+t+"</a></li>");
else {
$("#suggestions_list_ul").append("<li ><A href='#"+s+"' onclick=\"$('#autoCompleteContainer').slideUp()\">"+t+"</a></li>");
quickSearchCount +=1;
if (quickSearchCount > 20) {
return false;